Saturday, August 6, 2016

Changing Mindsets

What happened...

Elizabeth  was still confused and surprised by Mr. Darcy´s proposal. The next day she went out for a walk. While standing at the park gate she saw a man walking towards her, it was Mr. Darcy. When came past her, he stoppped, handed her a letter and walked away. At the Collins´s home, Elizabeth opened  it up. Inside, Mr. Darcy said that he was planning to separate Mr. Bingley and Jane because he thought that Jane didn´t love him enough, but that he was wrong about that and he felt sorry. He also explained the real story between him and Mr. Wickham, Mr. Darcy gave Mr. Wickham the 1000 pounds that Mr. Darcy´s father had left for him. But since Mr. Wickham wanted to study law, he asked for 3000. Years later Mr. Wickham was broke and with no money, but his other plan was to develop a relationship  with Miss Darcy, who was Mr. Darcy´s sister. Fortunately Mr. Darcy found  out early and stopped him.  She started to read the letter over and over again, until she realized that Mr. Darcy was actually blameless. Suddenly there is a big transformation in Elizabeth´s way of thinking, and she starts feeling ashamed of herself. She also starts accepting that her sister Jane didn´t show much love for Bingley. When she went back home she told Charlotte and Mr. Collins that she had to go back home. She thanked them a lot for the good time she had and traveled back home. On the way home, Elizabeth met Jane and they both traveled together. They also met Lydia and Kitty on the way, and went to eat together in a place close by to were Mr. Bennet´s carriage was waiting for them. Their younger sisters had news for them, Mr. Wickham was not seeing Mary King anymore. At home, they were invited to a dinner party at Meryton, since it was the last day of the military regiment in town. These were bad news for Kitty and Lydia since they spent a lot of time with the soldiers. Elizabeth didint go because she did not want to see Mr. Wickham. Mr. and Mrs. Forster, though, invited Lydia to go with them to Brighton with the regiment. She was delighetd and gratified!  The next day Lydia went to Brighton with Mr. and Mrs. Forster. That day Elizabeth traveled too with Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner to the town of Derbyshire. Elizabeth was having a great time until she realized that Pemberley, which was Mr. Darcys home, was close by.  Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner were disscusing to meet Pemberley. It was finally arranged between them and they decided they were going to visit the house. When they got there they were received by the housekeeper, since the family was away. They were all astonished by its beauty and luxury. The housekeeper  took them  all around the house. Elizabeth noticed that it was much more beautiful and elegent than Rosings. The way in which the housekeeper talked about her master, Mr. Darcy, was very pleasant and admiring. While they were discovering the horse stables, river and park, Elizabeth saw Mr. Darcy arriving , and since he saw her too, he walked towards her. They both greeted politely and talked for a while about Pemberley. When the talk was over, Elizabeth went to join her uncle and aunt and started feeling embarrassed. The next day they were invited to Pemberley to meet some friends. Mr. Bingley was there and Elizabeth asked him about his life in London. That day she was presented by Mr. Darcy to his sister Georgiana. Elizabeth realized that she was shy but very kind hearted. After the party, she received two letters from Jane that carried bad news. In them Jane said that Lydia, while she was at Brighton with the regiment, escaped with Mr. Wickham to get married. Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet were starting to look for her but the whole family was very worried and they begged Elizabeth and Mr. Gardiner to come back so that Mr. Gardiner can help their father with the search for Lydia. The Gardiners and Elizabeth came back home quickly. Mr. Bennet was not at home since he went to look for information about her young daughter.

Thinking and thinking......

"There certainly was some great mismanagement in the education of those two young men. One has got all the goodness, and the other all the appearance of it."

Elizabeth finally told Jane about Mr. Darcy´s proposal and his letter. They were both mostly surprised by the real Mr. Wickham and his story. Here is how we can see the great difference between Mr. Wickham and Mr. Darcy. As said say above, one has all goodness and the other only had its appearance. Mr. Darcy is for sure the one who has all goodness, and Mr. Wickham the one who was the appearance of being good.  They are both really different from each other since Mr. Darcy doesn't want approval and false promises but Mr. Wickham is his opposite. By reading this quote I also realized that it says a lot about them being  why they have been prejudiced by so many people, for good or for bad. Most judged Mr. Darcy in a ill and negative way, while the same people also judged Mr. Wickham in a good way without knowing for sure his real story.

  " Mr. Darcy's letter she was in a fair way of soon knowing by heart. She studied every sentence; and her feelings towards its writer were at times widely different. When she remembered the style of his address, she was still full of indignation; but when she considered how unjustly she had condemned and upbraided him, her anger was turned against herself; and his disappointed feelings became the object of compassion."

After reading Mr. Darcy's letter, Elizabeth felt a mixture of emotions. She felt angry, sorry, ashamed and compassionate too. I do think that I feel empathy for Elizabeth right now since I am sure that all of us have judged someone at least once and the feeling afterwards is really horrible. But just as I feel empathy towards Elizabeth I also feel it for Mr. Darcy because his heart was broken by a person that he admired and appreciated very much . He was also prejudiced by this person and he is aware of that. After all, I can say that this quote says a lot about the effects of Mr. Darcy's letter in both characters. 


I have to say that these chapters have brought a lot of change in some of the character's lives and ways of thinking. Starting with Mr. Darcy's letter that made Elizabeth change her mind about Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham and made her feel very ashamed of herself . Lydia escaping with Mr. Wickham also brought a lot of change in the Bennet's family emotions and life. I can say that the main point of interest and worry was when Elizabeth received Jane's letter of  Lydia's bad news. I wasn't surprised, though, by this since Lydia was very independent and saw the soldiers a lot. She flirted with them and was capable of doing anything, even the most unexpected. I can say that I am really excited to continue reading the next chapters and my prediction is that Lydia will somehow be found,  but in trouble and that Elizabeth is going to start doubting in telling Mr. Darcy or not, that she has changed her mind with his letter. I also noticed that Mr. Darcy, even if he felt some pride inside, he fought it and faced it for someone he loved. As John Ruskin said "“It is better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than to loose that someone you love with your useless pride.”

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