Tuesday, August 9, 2016

All Books End

What happened next...........

Mr. Bennet came back home after trying to find his daughter. While he was there they all received a letter from Mr. Gardiner that said that he found Mr. Wickham and Lydia together. He also asked for  Mr. Bennet's  permissions and signatures so that his daughter could get quickly married. Mrs. Bennet was beyond excitement and couldn't wait to see her daughter. Since London was a bit far away they invited Lydia and her husband to stay with them for some days after their wedding and before they went to their new home. In contrast of Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Bennet was really mad at Lydia for doing what she did and for escaping. Lydia came to London along with her husband, as planned. While the sisters were talking all together about her wedding, Lydia accidentally revealed that Mr. Darcy was there, but she didn't say why. Elizabeth was so curious that she wrote to Mrs. Gardiner so that she could tell her the truth. A few days later Elizabeth received Mrs. Gardiner's letter and she found out the reason. Mr. Darcy was at their wedding because he helped Mr. Gardiner find the couple in London and he payed off everything so that Lydia and Wickham could get married with no troubles. Elizabeth couldn't believe this. The next day, the whole family at Longbourn received very god news: Mr. Bingley was  coming back to Netherfield and was coming to have dinner that day.  When Mr. Bingley came Mr. Darcy came with him too. They had a good time all together. Elizabeth was expecting Mr. Darcy to tell her something but he didn't, they only talked about his sister Georgiana and her time at Pemberley actually. When they were about to leave, Jane expressed her feelings towards Mr. Bingley about him leaving her and not coming back in a long time. A few days passed and one day at Longbourn, Mr. Bingley asked Jane to marry him and she accepted. She was very happy and the whole family was too. One day they were all siting at the breakfast room when Lady Catherine de Bourgh came and lectured Elizabeth on private. She told her that she found out that Mr. Darcy had asked her to marry him before. She warned Elizabeth of not getting in her way because Mr. Darcy was already engaged to her daughter since he was born. Elizabeth was quite surprise and told her that if Mr. Darcy asked her again and if she loved him she was going to accept him no matter what. The next day a carriage came by to Longbourn with two men Mr. Bingley, who now came very often since he was engaged to Jane, and Mr. Darcy. The Bennets and their guests walked down to Meryton together. Elizabeth was walking with Darcy, but she couldn't contain herself more and she told him that her feelings for him have changed and that she loves him. Mr. Darcy said the same and by the end of the day they were engaged. When Elizabeth told Mrs. Bennet his true story, she was sorry for not liking him and was happy for how rich and powerful Elizabeth will be. Finally Elizabeth got married to Mr. Darcy and they went to live at Pemberley. Mrs. Bennet by the end of the book, was the same nervous and silly woman, even though three of her daughters were correctly married just as she wished. As for Mr. Bennet, we can really say that he missed his daughters a lot, especially Elizabeth. Jane saw Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy a lot and she and Mr. Bingley bought a residence near Pemberley. Lydia was happy with Wickham but wanted money from Elizabeth, Elizabeth didn't accept though. Kitty and Mary visited their sisters a lot in their free time and for the Gardiners we can say that they were always welcome at Pemberley since they were the ones who brought Mr. and Mrs. Darcy back together in the 1st place.

Just thought that..........

"She began now to comprehend that he was exactly the man who, in disposition and talents, would most suit her. His understanding and temper, though unlike her own, would have answered all her wishes. It was an union that must have been to the advantage of both; by her 
ease and liveliness, his mind might have been softened, his manners improved, and from his 
judgment, information, and knowledge of the world, she must have received benefit of greater 

Elizabeth started realizing that Mr. Darcy was the man for her. She didn't appreciate or know this before because she judged him too much. Now that she knows the whole story, she can see and think of him in a different way. I personally would've never imagined Elizabeth saying this when I was first   reading the book. But just as my prediction in the last blog post, I think that she is starting to doubt in  whether or not telling Mr. Darcy what she really feels. But, why didn't Elizabeth tell this to Mr. Darcy while she was at Pemberley?

“I do, I do like him,” she replied, with tears in her eyes; “I love him. Indeed he has no improper pride. He is perfectly amiable. You do not know what he really is; then pray do not pain me by speaking of him in such terms.”

After Mr. Darcy's proposal, Mr. Bennet called Elizabeth to the library. He was confused about Mr. Darcy and was warning Elizabeth to think things well because he is not a nice man. But since Elizabeth knew Mr. Darcy very well now, she told her father that she loved him and that he had a different story. I think that Elizabeth is a very headstrong and firm girl that doesn't need other people's  approval to do something that she likes, to think what she wants or to love someone. She is very sure of herself and of  the decisions she makes. I have to say that she has taught me a lot of things and has inspired me a lot.

In conclusion......

I have to say that I have enjoyed reading this book a lot. As I said before, it has taught me a lot of things and it has inspired me a lot, especially Elizabeth Bennet. I have to say that I am a little bit sad that the book has come to an end because I really loved the story and the way in which Jane Austen described and represented both pride and prejudice along the book. I have a special taste on classics. I love how writing and literature was performed in those times, were all of these amazing books were written. For the past 3 years I have chosen classics for my reading. I think that just as they teach us a lot of things about life in the past, they also show us how those values and some ways of thinking are still present in a our modern and actual time. I really recommend people to read this book, not only because it is a well-known book, but because it a  book with real meanings. I really look forward to reading other books from Jane Austen, and I hope that you all follow my advice on reading it as well. I have to say that if I would've chosen a different book to read, I would've never discovered and learned what I just did in Jane Austen's masterpiece, Pride and Prejudice.

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