Friday, January 20, 2017

Disaster Strikes

What happened next....

Lizzy continued telling Karl and his mother her story. According to her story, days went by and Marlene became part of the family in no time. Karli became her friend a lot faster than Lizzy since she was afraid and it took her longer to get used to Marlene living with them. Karli also became more popular at school since everyone now wondered about Marlene, they called him the "elephant boy". I'm sorry if I forgot to tell you before, but Karli was born with one leg shorter than the other one, which is why he used to limp a lot. This is why he was often bullied and bothered at school by his classmates and sadly had no friends because of this too. Everyone in the neighborhood now talked about Marlene with fascination and amazement. But just as there were people who liked Marlene living in the neighborhood, there were others who didn't like it at all since they though it wasn't safe. But this didn't make Mutti regret her decision or feel bad, she was always headstrong and didn't care what others thought. Days went on calmly and as they usually went by. Their father was still at war and Mutti still worked at the zoo. But the winter days started becoming colder and colder and the war started becoming worse too. Lizzy's 16th birthday came one day and since it was war time, big presents and parties couldn't be done, so Mutti made Lizzy's favorite potato soup and they ate it together. They enjoyed the night by remembering memories of Lizzy's chldhood and took Marlene out for a walk. The air was really cold and snow was falling, Marlene was calm as usual until she saw a dog. The dog started growling at her and Marlene started feeling angry. She couldnt hold it anymore and ran away from Mutti's  side to chase the dog. But just as this happened, air raid sirens started ringing and Mutti decided they were looking for Marlene later, security was a priority. The bombs started falling in Dresden as they made their way out of the city. They ran and ran till they got to a hill which was supposed to take them to the countryside. There, along with many other people who made their way out, saw the destruction of their beloved city. Marlene was nowhere in sight, but when hope of seeing her was almost lost, Marlene appeared behind Mutti! Somehow she managed to find her family again. With Marlene by their side and the family being complete, they started making their journey to Aunt Lotti and Uncle Manfred's farmhouse. The last time they went was years ago since the family had a huge fight. But Mutti knew that at times like these, Aunt Lotti and Uncle Manfred would understand. The journey was long since they had to walk through the forest in order to get there faster than the rest who were making their way through the road. Food was scarce and the cold was unbearable. They walked for two days until they got to the farm. Memories came back to Lizzy's mind as he saw the house, and the lake, and the treehouse.

Just thinking and thinking....

" Marlene, we soon discovered, had made Karli and me famous overnight. I remember how important it made me feel to be surrounded by a crowd of admirers. It wasn't a feeling I had experienced that much before, and I liked it. And I could see, in playtime, that Karli was also enjoying the limelight as much as I was....No one called him "Pegleg" anymore, I noticed. He was " Elephant Boy" now and that was fine by him." ( Morpurgo, 59).

Even though Marlene brought Lizzy and Karli more friends, It made them start having the wrong ideas about friendship. Friendship isn't obtained through objects, or amazing stories. Friends are obtained through experience and by getting to know other people better. For example, Karli must be feeling much better since they don't call him "Pegleg" anymore, but it is just because of Marlene. We should treat everyone with respect no matter what and we should also acknowledge the positive side of everyone, since we all have one. Probably, if those bullies, had gotten to know Karli better, they would've  never judged him by his appearance or physical problem. But that is the problem, now, we have started think that materials and physical things, appearance, economic status and more,  are what make us who we are. But I have to say that's absolutely not true. The sad part is though, that only a few people think this way.

"We let our eyes do most of the talking, I remembered. We stood there, with the snow coming down around us, each of us knowing, I was sure of it, that we were making a friend for life. I did sense in her eyes the depth of the grief she was still suffering after the loss of her mother. And without my ever saying anything, I knew she understood all my own fears, about Papi, about the bombers that might come any day now, about the war."( Morpurgo,64).

In this quote we can see how even though Lizzy is afraid of Marlene and that a  distance exists between them, they have a very special connection. They both have fears and things to be sad about. Marlene in her way, which was the loss of her mother, and Lizzy in hers. Here is where we can also realize what Lizzy's biggest fear is, which is loosing her father at the war and the bombings. Another special trait, that they also share, is that they can sense each other's fears and thoughts. This is the part when we realize that Marlene and Lizzy will always be friends.


These last chapters have been really important for us to start guessing what will happen next. Sadly, these chapters don't end in a way in which we would like since one of Lizzy's biggest fears comes true. They loose everything, including friends and people who they knew all their lives. But life goes on and we should adapt to it in the best way we can. My prediction for the next chapters is that in the farmhouse they will find Aunt Lotti and Uncle Manfred and everything will be alright between them. I also think that Lizzy and Marlene's bonds will start growing stronger and more connections will appear between them. In this chapter I learned that we should be strong and remain hopeful in the most darkest and hardest times, because just as I said before, life goes on and we have to move on too. So far I am enjoying this book a lot and I really look forward to keep on reading!

Friday, January 6, 2017

An Elephant in the Garden

Long time no see....

Its been a long time since the last time I wrote. This time I decided that I wanted to read a book based on historical fiction, which is another favorite genre of mine. The book I am starting to read is called An Elephant in the Garden written by Michael Morpurgo. The story is narrated by a woman who works as a nurse in a house for the old and it is also narrated by the old lady who is being taken care by her. The nurse is a single mother who lives with her son Karl in England, Karl goes with her often to the house of the old in which she works in. There is where he and her mother meet an old lady called Lizzy who is willing to tell them an unusual story of her past. It is about an elephant who used to live in her backyard when she was 16. At the beginning, Karl's mother didn't believe her but Karl always did. He and Lizzy had a special connection, since he reminded her of her little brother Karli. One snowy winter day Lizzy asked for the date, and the nurse told her it was February the 13th. She was suddenly surprised and it seemed to Karl and his mother that this was a special day for her. Lizzy decided that this was a good day to start telling them her story, and how this day changed her life forever. According to her story, when she was little, they used to live in a joyful environment with their mom, whom she and her brother called Mutti, and her dad who was called by them Papi. She was born in a city on Germany called Dresden in 1929. Her childhood was a lovely one, being spent around family and friends. But time started passing and the war started approaching. It started to influence their family since her parents got in a terrible fight about who was in which side of the war with their close relatives. Later, her dad had to go become part of the army and fight in battlefields in France. She said that every time his dad came home to visit, he looked more and more depressed and weak. She started realizing that nothing was the same as before and that things were starting to change. With her father at war, her mother had to help the family and got a job at a local zoo. There, she became really close to an elefant who she called Marlene. Her mother and the elefant became really atached and loved each other. But bad news came one day, the animals were going to be shot in case of a bombing happening in the future. Her mother couldn't stand the thought of her beloved elephant being shot, so she brought Marlene to her garden and promised to keep her safe and make her part of the family.

Thinking and thinking.....

" I think I've always had a strong sense of justice, of fair play, of what is right and what is wrong." ( Morpurgo, 23)

In this quote Lizzy is showing one of the biggest aspects of her personality which is her good moral values. This quote represents how she feels about the war too since she is ( in the book's time) actually living in a time of war. She does feel that there's much injustice and wrong stuff going on in the world, no one is happy and no one is satisfied. This is a very special and important trait since not many people have it, and some even if they do,  forget about the values they have been taught since they were little children just to please others or to not feel rejected. In my opinion, this is a very important aspect and value that is essential in everyone's lives, although each time there is less and less people who really appreciate and use their values in their everyday lives. I personally have to say that I can connect to Lizzy through this because I share these values as well, and I am sure that nothing or no one will ever make me change my values for something else.

" I cannot remember much about yesterday, nor even what I had for breakfast this morning. But I promise you I can remember just how it was when I was young  I remember the important things, the things that matter . It is as if I wrote them down in my mind, so that I should not forget " ( Morpurgo, 16)

What this quote is trying to tell us is that childhood is never forgotten. Lizzy is expressing this by explaining how she doesn't remember what she has done in the day compared to the way in which she remembers her youth. Childhood is never forgotten, since it is the time in which all of us were innocent and where we took our first steps that led us to the path in which we are walking right now. They are our golden years and time. Lizzy had a happy childhood which she enjoyed. But the war later brought many changes that were hard to accept and understand. These times of change were also easily remembered by her since they shaped the way in which she saw the world. Also, the nostalgia that those memories usually bring is inmense and always brings memories back automatically. I personally believe that the things that really matter and that made us who we are, are not forgotten easily.

To Conclude....

In conclusion, I am really enjoying this book by Michael Morpurgo. I like his style of writing which is really descriptive and full of details; which in my opinion is the best way to draw the reader's attention and transport him/her to the story. I have to say that I enjoy reading historical fiction since it is a way of learning about different events that happened in history, but with some imagination added to it. I really love to study and read anything about past events, people , etc. I consider history as an  essential tool for us to understand our actual and modern world. My prediction for the following chapters is that Lizzy will definitely continue to tell Karli and her mom her story; for the story specifically, my prediction is that Dresden will be bombed at some point and they will have to face a difficult decision about what to do with Marlene. I am excited to keep reading the book and discovering more about Lizzy's story, which if I didn't tell you before is based on a real story that happened during World War II.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Happy Endings...

Mr. Rochester has promised that the wedding will be in 4 weeks. Mrs. Fairfax congratulates Jane although she doesn't agree with her engagement since she believes that class inequalities could be a big obstacle. Mr. Rochester starts treating Jane with luxury and spending money on gowns and gifts. But Jane only wants to live a plain and simple life. Personally and privately, she starts to think about answering his uncle's letter. While Mr. Rochester is away Jane starts to have strange dreams about babies and she being alone. On the morning of the wedding Jane realized that there were to strangers at the ceremony. When the clergyman asked if there were any objections to their marriage, these two men stood up. One of the was a lawyer from London that announced that Mr. Rochester was married to a woman called Bertha Mason. He married her in Jamaica 15 years ago and he is still married to her. The other man was Bertha's brother, Mr. Mason and he claimed that story to be true by saying that Jane's uncle had sent him to stop Jane from marrying disgrace. Mr. Rochester was furious, and accepted that this was true but that Jane didn't know. Apparently Bertha had been locked on the third floor and Grace Poole was hired to take care of her, Mr. Rochester said she was insane. Jane locks herself inside her room after that and starts crying and praying to God. Mr. Rochester asks for forgiveness and Jane to go and live with him in France. But even though Jane still loved him, she decided to let him go and she escaped from Thornfield and asked for a car on an unknown road.

Soon, she runs out of money and food. On the way, she tries to exchange some of her belongings for food and water but nobody accepted. She was in the midst of despair until she found a country house and two sisters called Mary and Diana Rivers, who take her in. She later through the maid, Hannah, that learns that Mary, Diana and St. John's ( Mary and Diana's older brother) father died just three weeks ago and that they are trying to maintain their family by becoming governesses. Soon Jane become close friends with Mary and Diana Rivers. Sr. John, Mary and Diana's brother offers Jane to run a school at Morton and she accepts. She starts off with 20 students of little education. One of the school's benefactors is a woman called Rosamund Oliver, she and St. John are in love. One day John arrives with an unexpected story for Jane. He told her that her Uncle John died and left her 20,000 pounds. Advertisements were put everywhere to find Jane. John reveals to her his real name which is John Eyre Rivers. Apparently Mary, Diana, John and Jane were all cousins since they're mother was Jane's aunt. One day she suddenly heard Mr. Rochester's voice calling for help. She went to Thornfield and found it burnt and destroyed. Mr. Rochester had lost his sight and one of his hands, Jane was informed that he now lived in a home in the woods. She went to see him and she promised not to ever leave him again. They later married and lived happily with a baby and Jane's cousins near.

Thinking this and that...

“Not the voyage, but the distance: and then the sea is a barrier---“ “From what, Jane?” “From England and from Thornfield: and---“ “Well?” “From you , sir.” I said this almost involuntarily; and, with as little sanction of free will, my tears gushed out. "

Jane and Mr. Rochester are talking about what will happen after Mr. Rochester marries with Blanche Ingram. He has offered Jane to leave with Adele, Sophie ( Adele's nanny) and Mrs. Fairfax to Ireland. But Jane does not want to go because she doesn't want to be separated from Mr. Rochester. Here is when she finally confesses her love for him. She explains how the distance is going to be harder than the voyage. How the sea will separate them and torn them apart, but not only from England but form each other. When Jane said this, she as mentioned in the quote said it "involuntarily" because her feelings became stronger than her thoughts at that time. But I wonder, why did Jane decide to confess her love right now and not before Mr. Rochester was even engaged with Blanche? She could've married him before the problem with Bertha Mason came up.

"The more solitary, the more friendless, the more unsustained I am, the more I will respect myself. "

In this quote Jane shows her moral integrity, which is a main trait and quality of her personality. In this part of the book, Jane has already found out that Mr. Rochester couldn't marry her because he was actually married to Bertha Mason. But, Mr., Rochester didn't want to loose Jane so he asks her to live with him in France, although he is still legally married. But Jane is aware that she will become her mistress, which would bring a dishonorable reputation. Jane has to resist temptation since Mr. Rochester is the only one who has ever loved her and appreciated her for who she was, but she didn't accept the offer. She here shows her self worth and love. In my opinion, this means that Jane is a very self secure and determined person that knows what is right and wrong. She took her decisions based on these principles and did well . Regardless of the wonderful and safe life she would've had, she resisted and acted with bravery. I have to say that I highly admire Jane for this and that her morals should be in everyone's character.

Wrapping it all up...

In conclusion I would like to say that I've really enjoyed this book and it's amazing story. It is a combination of love and suspense. In my opinion, books with strong female leaders are very inspiring and worth reading. They all teach us about life for women in those times as well as how those habits started changing and to have less importance for some. These women have, with their attitudes and personalities, bit by bit, have made the world we have today. Women can now work, be dependent and valued. Although, in some parts of the world these ideals are still preserved and women have no freedom. I would also like to recall the story's main themes, which I explained throughout my blog posts, which are bravery, moral integrity and gender. They all make up the story, and they make up Jane. In terms of the book's ending, I really enjoyed it since Jane finally had a happy ending and a happy life with the man she loved. Probably her life was very unfair at the beginning, but destiny and fate took care of doing their thing, and of making justice at last. I really recommend this book to people who would like to be inspired, and for people who would like to discover a new world and life narrated directly from Jane's eyes and soul. The reason why I like this books is because I find a connection with these women, both Elizabeth and Jane up to now, and because they inspire me to get better every passing day.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Discovering Stories and Feelings

What happened next....

Eight years passed an Jane was a teacher at Lowood now. But even though she was satisfied with her job, she wanted to experience something new. She wrote an advertisement that said that she was looking for a job as governess and was answered my a woman called Mrs. Fairfax. She lived in a place called Thornfield Hall that was close to Millcote. She left Lowood and off she went, she decided that a new chapter of her life was starting and another was ending. When she got to Thornfield she was received by Mrs. Fairfax, a very kind woman of age. A few days later she also met her pupil Adele, a little French girl that always asked questions and her master Mr. Rochester. Mr. Rochester, was a knowledgeable man of high social status. He had deep reflections and a commanding personality. But since the first moment Jane met him, she felt weird emotions and feelings towards him. Months passed and Jane had taught Adele a lot just as she had learned from her too. She saw Mr. Rochester very often indeed, and had interesting conversations that always left Jane thinking. But one day Mr. Rochester left and he wasn't going to be back in a long time. While Jane waited for his arrival she overheard the servants' conversations about one of the servants named Grace Poole and her high salary and weird behavior. Mr. Rochester finally arrived one day along with some guests. One of them was Blanche Ingram. She was also a wealthy woman, known for her beauty, talents and status. Jane saw how Blanche flirted with Mr. Rochester. She also realized that she was a  prideful and unkind woman

Mr. Rochester was gone for some days, and left his guests at Thornfield. A man named Mr. Mason arrived asking for him but Mr. Rochester was not at home. Jane later realized that Mr. Mason had some previous business with Mr. Rochester in the West Indies. A gypsy came too, to read the guests' fortunes. Blanche was really upset after her fortune was read, the gypsy told her that Mr. Rochester wasn't as wealthy as he looked. The gypsy also asked to see Jane and told her that she was soon going to achieve happiness, but Jane later realizes that the gypsy was Mr. Rochester in disguise. Although she was really mad at him. she did tell him about Mr. Mason. Mr. Rochester later tells Jane that he had committed a capital error in foreign country. He thought that marrying Blanche would give him salvation and a moral life in marriage. Before Jane could say anything he left. Weeks passed and Jane gets news saying that his cousin John committed suicide and that her aunt had a stroke and was dying. She went to Gateshead and met again with Bessie. She also saw her other cousins Georgiana and Eliza. Before Mrs. Reed died, she gave Jane  a letter that was from her uncle John Eyre that said that he wanted to adopt her and that he wanted her to be his heiress. Mrs. Reed finally died that day. On her way back to Thornfield she saw Mr. Rochester at Millcote he had just bought a new carriage and she was suspecting that it was because of his marriage with Blanche. When they got to Thornfield, Mr. Rochester told Jane that he was sure of marrying Blanche now. But she couldn't help it and confessed her love towards him. Luckily, this had all been planned by Mr. Rochester to make Jane jealous; then he asked her to marry him and she accepted.


"Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts, as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer; and it is narrow-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making puddings and knitting stockings, to playing on the piano and embroidering bags. It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex." ( Brontë, 106)

This quote emphasizes another of the book's main themes, gender. Throughout the book we see in Jane's character a different behavior, one that most women didn't possess on those times. She was unladylike and strong. As you may know, most of the women that lived in those times were fragile and dependent. But Jane felt that the world should be different, a place were women could maintain themselves through education and were they are treated equally. She was aware of the main stereotype, which was that women don't need a career or field because they should be dedicated to work at home and no education is needed for that. But this wasn't correct for Jane and she expressed what she felt. We can also see how gender can be dominant when at the beginning, Mr. Rochester commands Jane and acts with superiority.

"He is not to them what he is to me," I thought: "he is not of their kind. I believe he is of mine;—I am sure he is,—I feel akin to him,—I understand the language of his countenance and movements: though rank and wealth sever us widely, I have something in my brain and heart, in my blood and nerves, that assimilates me mentally to him. […] I must, then, repeat continually that we are for ever sundered:—and yet, while I breathe and think I must love him." ( Brontë, 164)

Jane is now assuring herself that she does feel love for Mr. Rochester. She is also explaining us what she thinks of him. She thinks that she understands him more than anybody else, that nobody else thinks of him in the way that she does. This also brings the subject of Blanche Ingram up, since she is giving an opinion of hers that states that only she understands him, which further on means that she is the only one among these people who truly loves him. It is clear since the start of Blanche's appearance in the book that she was only flirting with Mr. Rochester because of his high status and wealth, and Jane was aware of this too.  In my opinion, this quote also explains us the connection and relation that these two characters have that is only established through common tastes and personality but not through rank and status, unlike his connection with Blanche. Even though Jane is aware of this big difference, although she doesn't mention it, she focuses majorly on the important traits that create connections between people and not the luxurious and additional ones.


Finally I would like to say that these last chapters have been so unexpected and surprising. I never imagined Mr. Rochester asking Jane to marry her. I never saw this coming since I thought that Mr. Rochester was indeed interested in Blanche Ingram and that Jane was going to end up heartbroken. In the last few chapters I also have discovered a new theme, which I mentioned before, which is gender. Jane has clear and strong opinions towards it and it's main stereotype. I decided to call this blog post as Discovering Stories and Feelings because this is where Jane discovers Mr. Rochester secret story and her hidden and unknown love for Mr. Rochester. Jane also discovers that she will soon reach happiness and that Mr.. Rochester was never going to marry Blanche. My prediction for the next chapters is that Mr. Rochester will happily marry and take Adele with them. I also think that new stories and mysteries will unfold and Mr. Rochester's story of the past will cause effects. 


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Meeting Jane..

What I read....
I have to say that after reading Pride and Prejudice, Ive started to like and understand english writing a lot more. As I said on my last blog post, I love classics. They are my favorite genre and I've decided to keep on reading them. This time I choose to read a slightly different book, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Jane is an unladylike and brave little girl who lives with her aunt, Mrs. Reed at Gateshead Hall. Her parents died when she was very young and her uncle took her with him. Her uncle died, and asked his wife to raise and care for Jane as her own daughter. But  Mrs. Reed and her children are very cruel towards Jane. One day, as she was reading, her cousin John started teasing her and hit her head with a book, in attempt to defend herself, she started hitting her older cousin. Mrs. Reed saw her and locked her in a room. But this was a special room of the house, this is were her uncle died. She started recalling how cruel her aunt was towards her and how different her life would be with her uncle alive. Suddenly she spotted a white figure coming out of the chimney. She was so scared that she started screaming and had a fit. The next day she was feeling better and doctors went to see her. Bessie, one of the maids that worked at Gateshead, was really kind towards Jane and kept her company. One day she was summoned to her aunt. Mrs. Reed was talking to a man called Mr. Brocklehurst which owned a school for girls called Lowood. Jane had never gone to school before. While the conversation went on, Mrs. Reed started spinning stories around. She called Jane unpatient, misbehaved and ungratified by her "wonderful" care. She also acted as kind and loving, though Jane knew the truth. When Mr. Brocklehurst left,  Jane started reminding her aunt how cruel she was with her and how she hated her and her children. How hypocrite she was around people and that she will never come back to visit her. She felt victorious at the moment and proud of herself, never had she felt such a wonderful feeling.

The next day, a carriage came for her and she was taken to Lowood.  The journey was very long, it seemed as if Lowood was very far away into the countryside since she saw more hills and less homes and people. She finally got there and was received by  a woman named Miss Temple and  another named Miss Miller. Her first day was spent in solitude, Lowood was unknown to her. The food they got wasn't very good and it was distributed in very small portions. She was usually hungry and tired, but at least it was better than Gateshead. One day as they were doing some outdoor activities, Jane spotted a girl sitting by herself reading a book. She approached to her and started asking her questions. Her name was Helen Burns and she was a little older than Jane. Soon Jane and Helen became really good friends, they helped each other and Jane saw Helen as an older sister. The typhus fever came to Lowood one day and it struck many. Dead bodies were often seen and buried silently too, many were dying and returning home. Helen got the fever too. Jane stopped seeing her for a while and tried to make more friends, but she realized that none was like Helen Burns. One night, Jane slipped out of her room silently after hearing the doctors say that Helen wasn't going to live much longer. She silently went to Miss Temple's room and found Helen there. They both talked for a while and they fell asleep together. The next day Jane woke up, and sadly, Helen was dead. Her body was silently buried after that and Jane felt alone all over again. She started to feel that her life was useless and insignificant. She started to feel the unfair aspects in life.

I was just thinking that.....

"I am glad you are no relation of mine. I will never call you aunt again as long as I live. I will never come to visit you when I am grown up; and if any one asks me how I liked you, and how you treated me, I will say the very thought of you makes me sick, and that you treated me with miserable cruelty. . . . You think I have no feelings, and that I can do without one bit of love or kindness; but I cannot live so: and you have no pity. I shall remember how you thrust me back . . . into the red-room. . . . And that punishment you made me suffer because your wicked boy struck me—knocked me down for nothing. I will tell anybody who asks me questions this exact tale. ’Ere I had finished this reply, my soul began to expand, to exult, with the strangest sense of freedom, of triumph, I ever felt. It seemed as if an invisible bond had burst, and that I had struggled out into unhoped-for liberty. . . ." ( Bronte, 39-40)
 After Mr. Brocklehurst from Lowood School left, Jane and her aunt were left alone. But Jane felt she needed to speak up. This quote is showing us one of Jane's main and most important characteristics, bravery. She was brave enough to speak up for herself after her aunt called her names and told lies. She stood up for herself even though she knew how cruel her aunt could get to be and that she could end up being punished. Jane acts as an example for al of us in this part, she is giving the right example by not remaining silent when something doesn't feel right. This is what all of us should do when we are being mistreated, but sadly, the world has become a world in which people live in fear. I can personally connect to Jane in this aspect, because I also think that we should never remain silent. I think that we shouldn't bear disrespectful attitudes from others, we should make people respect us, through words and speaking but never through violence and hatred.

"But I feel this, Helen; I must dislike those who, whatever I do to please them, persist in disliking me; I must resist those who punish me unjustly. It is as natural as that I should love those who show me affection, or submit to punishment when I feel it is deserved." ( Bronte, 58)

This quote also shows us how Jane thinks about people in general. She is talking to Helen about how we shouldn't tolerate people who dislike us for no reason and we should love people who love us back. I personally feel empathy towards Jane right now because she has lived an unfair and terrible life. But I also think that since Jane hasn't been treated fairly and kindly all along her life, she automatically starts disliking everyone without noticing.  And this can lead to hatred. Jane doesn't understand yet, that we shouldn't let the unhappy people, affect our feelings. Helen brings this subject up when she later questions her on her way of  remembering  the negative and bad experiences with so much detail, instead of letting them go and fade away. In my opinion, this is a good advice because I know by experience that it does help remove burden that we unconsciously carry in our soul that isn't seen but felt.

To conclude......

So far I am really enjoying this book and I really look forward to keep on reading it. What I like most about it is the way in which it is written. It is written from Jane's perspective , which causes us to feel more and to get engaged with the book. I have to say that when I realized that Helen died, I cried. I was so connected with the book that I didn't realize that I wasn't actually  it. For a moment I felt in Jane's shoes and realized how unfair it felt. Alone she was all over again, just when she found a great friend. My prediction for the next chapters is that Jane will remain at Lowood and she will probably find a new friend or companion. I also am thinking that further on, she will find her lost family members, apart from Mrs. Reed. I highly recommend this book to all of you because it is an inspiring story with messages like inner strength, perseverance and bravery. Never had I read a book written from the characters perspective that's so impacting and appealing. Jane has so far been a great example for me and should be for many.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

All Books End

What happened next...........

Mr. Bennet came back home after trying to find his daughter. While he was there they all received a letter from Mr. Gardiner that said that he found Mr. Wickham and Lydia together. He also asked for  Mr. Bennet's  permissions and signatures so that his daughter could get quickly married. Mrs. Bennet was beyond excitement and couldn't wait to see her daughter. Since London was a bit far away they invited Lydia and her husband to stay with them for some days after their wedding and before they went to their new home. In contrast of Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Bennet was really mad at Lydia for doing what she did and for escaping. Lydia came to London along with her husband, as planned. While the sisters were talking all together about her wedding, Lydia accidentally revealed that Mr. Darcy was there, but she didn't say why. Elizabeth was so curious that she wrote to Mrs. Gardiner so that she could tell her the truth. A few days later Elizabeth received Mrs. Gardiner's letter and she found out the reason. Mr. Darcy was at their wedding because he helped Mr. Gardiner find the couple in London and he payed off everything so that Lydia and Wickham could get married with no troubles. Elizabeth couldn't believe this. The next day, the whole family at Longbourn received very god news: Mr. Bingley was  coming back to Netherfield and was coming to have dinner that day.  When Mr. Bingley came Mr. Darcy came with him too. They had a good time all together. Elizabeth was expecting Mr. Darcy to tell her something but he didn't, they only talked about his sister Georgiana and her time at Pemberley actually. When they were about to leave, Jane expressed her feelings towards Mr. Bingley about him leaving her and not coming back in a long time. A few days passed and one day at Longbourn, Mr. Bingley asked Jane to marry him and she accepted. She was very happy and the whole family was too. One day they were all siting at the breakfast room when Lady Catherine de Bourgh came and lectured Elizabeth on private. She told her that she found out that Mr. Darcy had asked her to marry him before. She warned Elizabeth of not getting in her way because Mr. Darcy was already engaged to her daughter since he was born. Elizabeth was quite surprise and told her that if Mr. Darcy asked her again and if she loved him she was going to accept him no matter what. The next day a carriage came by to Longbourn with two men Mr. Bingley, who now came very often since he was engaged to Jane, and Mr. Darcy. The Bennets and their guests walked down to Meryton together. Elizabeth was walking with Darcy, but she couldn't contain herself more and she told him that her feelings for him have changed and that she loves him. Mr. Darcy said the same and by the end of the day they were engaged. When Elizabeth told Mrs. Bennet his true story, she was sorry for not liking him and was happy for how rich and powerful Elizabeth will be. Finally Elizabeth got married to Mr. Darcy and they went to live at Pemberley. Mrs. Bennet by the end of the book, was the same nervous and silly woman, even though three of her daughters were correctly married just as she wished. As for Mr. Bennet, we can really say that he missed his daughters a lot, especially Elizabeth. Jane saw Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy a lot and she and Mr. Bingley bought a residence near Pemberley. Lydia was happy with Wickham but wanted money from Elizabeth, Elizabeth didn't accept though. Kitty and Mary visited their sisters a lot in their free time and for the Gardiners we can say that they were always welcome at Pemberley since they were the ones who brought Mr. and Mrs. Darcy back together in the 1st place.

Just thought that..........

"She began now to comprehend that he was exactly the man who, in disposition and talents, would most suit her. His understanding and temper, though unlike her own, would have answered all her wishes. It was an union that must have been to the advantage of both; by her 
ease and liveliness, his mind might have been softened, his manners improved, and from his 
judgment, information, and knowledge of the world, she must have received benefit of greater 

Elizabeth started realizing that Mr. Darcy was the man for her. She didn't appreciate or know this before because she judged him too much. Now that she knows the whole story, she can see and think of him in a different way. I personally would've never imagined Elizabeth saying this when I was first   reading the book. But just as my prediction in the last blog post, I think that she is starting to doubt in  whether or not telling Mr. Darcy what she really feels. But, why didn't Elizabeth tell this to Mr. Darcy while she was at Pemberley?

“I do, I do like him,” she replied, with tears in her eyes; “I love him. Indeed he has no improper pride. He is perfectly amiable. You do not know what he really is; then pray do not pain me by speaking of him in such terms.”

After Mr. Darcy's proposal, Mr. Bennet called Elizabeth to the library. He was confused about Mr. Darcy and was warning Elizabeth to think things well because he is not a nice man. But since Elizabeth knew Mr. Darcy very well now, she told her father that she loved him and that he had a different story. I think that Elizabeth is a very headstrong and firm girl that doesn't need other people's  approval to do something that she likes, to think what she wants or to love someone. She is very sure of herself and of  the decisions she makes. I have to say that she has taught me a lot of things and has inspired me a lot.

In conclusion......

I have to say that I have enjoyed reading this book a lot. As I said before, it has taught me a lot of things and it has inspired me a lot, especially Elizabeth Bennet. I have to say that I am a little bit sad that the book has come to an end because I really loved the story and the way in which Jane Austen described and represented both pride and prejudice along the book. I have a special taste on classics. I love how writing and literature was performed in those times, were all of these amazing books were written. For the past 3 years I have chosen classics for my reading. I think that just as they teach us a lot of things about life in the past, they also show us how those values and some ways of thinking are still present in a our modern and actual time. I really recommend people to read this book, not only because it is a well-known book, but because it a  book with real meanings. I really look forward to reading other books from Jane Austen, and I hope that you all follow my advice on reading it as well. I have to say that if I would've chosen a different book to read, I would've never discovered and learned what I just did in Jane Austen's masterpiece, Pride and Prejudice.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Changing Mindsets

What happened...

Elizabeth  was still confused and surprised by Mr. Darcy´s proposal. The next day she went out for a walk. While standing at the park gate she saw a man walking towards her, it was Mr. Darcy. When came past her, he stoppped, handed her a letter and walked away. At the Collins´s home, Elizabeth opened  it up. Inside, Mr. Darcy said that he was planning to separate Mr. Bingley and Jane because he thought that Jane didn´t love him enough, but that he was wrong about that and he felt sorry. He also explained the real story between him and Mr. Wickham, Mr. Darcy gave Mr. Wickham the 1000 pounds that Mr. Darcy´s father had left for him. But since Mr. Wickham wanted to study law, he asked for 3000. Years later Mr. Wickham was broke and with no money, but his other plan was to develop a relationship  with Miss Darcy, who was Mr. Darcy´s sister. Fortunately Mr. Darcy found  out early and stopped him.  She started to read the letter over and over again, until she realized that Mr. Darcy was actually blameless. Suddenly there is a big transformation in Elizabeth´s way of thinking, and she starts feeling ashamed of herself. She also starts accepting that her sister Jane didn´t show much love for Bingley. When she went back home she told Charlotte and Mr. Collins that she had to go back home. She thanked them a lot for the good time she had and traveled back home. On the way home, Elizabeth met Jane and they both traveled together. They also met Lydia and Kitty on the way, and went to eat together in a place close by to were Mr. Bennet´s carriage was waiting for them. Their younger sisters had news for them, Mr. Wickham was not seeing Mary King anymore. At home, they were invited to a dinner party at Meryton, since it was the last day of the military regiment in town. These were bad news for Kitty and Lydia since they spent a lot of time with the soldiers. Elizabeth didint go because she did not want to see Mr. Wickham. Mr. and Mrs. Forster, though, invited Lydia to go with them to Brighton with the regiment. She was delighetd and gratified!  The next day Lydia went to Brighton with Mr. and Mrs. Forster. That day Elizabeth traveled too with Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner to the town of Derbyshire. Elizabeth was having a great time until she realized that Pemberley, which was Mr. Darcys home, was close by.  Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner were disscusing to meet Pemberley. It was finally arranged between them and they decided they were going to visit the house. When they got there they were received by the housekeeper, since the family was away. They were all astonished by its beauty and luxury. The housekeeper  took them  all around the house. Elizabeth noticed that it was much more beautiful and elegent than Rosings. The way in which the housekeeper talked about her master, Mr. Darcy, was very pleasant and admiring. While they were discovering the horse stables, river and park, Elizabeth saw Mr. Darcy arriving , and since he saw her too, he walked towards her. They both greeted politely and talked for a while about Pemberley. When the talk was over, Elizabeth went to join her uncle and aunt and started feeling embarrassed. The next day they were invited to Pemberley to meet some friends. Mr. Bingley was there and Elizabeth asked him about his life in London. That day she was presented by Mr. Darcy to his sister Georgiana. Elizabeth realized that she was shy but very kind hearted. After the party, she received two letters from Jane that carried bad news. In them Jane said that Lydia, while she was at Brighton with the regiment, escaped with Mr. Wickham to get married. Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet were starting to look for her but the whole family was very worried and they begged Elizabeth and Mr. Gardiner to come back so that Mr. Gardiner can help their father with the search for Lydia. The Gardiners and Elizabeth came back home quickly. Mr. Bennet was not at home since he went to look for information about her young daughter.

Thinking and thinking......

"There certainly was some great mismanagement in the education of those two young men. One has got all the goodness, and the other all the appearance of it."

Elizabeth finally told Jane about Mr. Darcy´s proposal and his letter. They were both mostly surprised by the real Mr. Wickham and his story. Here is how we can see the great difference between Mr. Wickham and Mr. Darcy. As said say above, one has all goodness and the other only had its appearance. Mr. Darcy is for sure the one who has all goodness, and Mr. Wickham the one who was the appearance of being good.  They are both really different from each other since Mr. Darcy doesn't want approval and false promises but Mr. Wickham is his opposite. By reading this quote I also realized that it says a lot about them being  why they have been prejudiced by so many people, for good or for bad. Most judged Mr. Darcy in a ill and negative way, while the same people also judged Mr. Wickham in a good way without knowing for sure his real story.

  " Mr. Darcy's letter she was in a fair way of soon knowing by heart. She studied every sentence; and her feelings towards its writer were at times widely different. When she remembered the style of his address, she was still full of indignation; but when she considered how unjustly she had condemned and upbraided him, her anger was turned against herself; and his disappointed feelings became the object of compassion."

After reading Mr. Darcy's letter, Elizabeth felt a mixture of emotions. She felt angry, sorry, ashamed and compassionate too. I do think that I feel empathy for Elizabeth right now since I am sure that all of us have judged someone at least once and the feeling afterwards is really horrible. But just as I feel empathy towards Elizabeth I also feel it for Mr. Darcy because his heart was broken by a person that he admired and appreciated very much . He was also prejudiced by this person and he is aware of that. After all, I can say that this quote says a lot about the effects of Mr. Darcy's letter in both characters. 


I have to say that these chapters have brought a lot of change in some of the character's lives and ways of thinking. Starting with Mr. Darcy's letter that made Elizabeth change her mind about Mr. Darcy and Mr. Wickham and made her feel very ashamed of herself . Lydia escaping with Mr. Wickham also brought a lot of change in the Bennet's family emotions and life. I can say that the main point of interest and worry was when Elizabeth received Jane's letter of  Lydia's bad news. I wasn't surprised, though, by this since Lydia was very independent and saw the soldiers a lot. She flirted with them and was capable of doing anything, even the most unexpected. I can say that I am really excited to continue reading the next chapters and my prediction is that Lydia will somehow be found,  but in trouble and that Elizabeth is going to start doubting in telling Mr. Darcy or not, that she has changed her mind with his letter. I also noticed that Mr. Darcy, even if he felt some pride inside, he fought it and faced it for someone he loved. As John Ruskin said "“It is better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than to loose that someone you love with your useless pride.”